About Me

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Throughout my varied professional career, I have always been the consummate storyteller. Whether in front of a college classroom, consulting with corporate executives, persuading a learned judge or a panel of arbitrators, or testifying before a congressional hearing, my ability to weave my thoughts and ideas into a convincing tapestry of words has been one of my professional strengths. Now retired from my multi-faceted career, I have turned my creative talents to that which I love best -- writing. Drawing on my vast experience, I now hope to enthrall my readers with stories filled with intriguing characters and exciting action. When not writing, my wife and I enjoy gardening, singing and cooking.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It seems that every time I turn around I am battling a health insurance company. I am absolutely convinced that the overwhelming majority of insurance fraud is committed by the insurers -- not the insured. Sure, there are plenty of people who file false claims to collect money they don't deserve. But what about the intentional denial of claims that should be paid, knowing that most people don't have the knowledge or endurance to fight for what is rightfully theirs. Funny how every time I fight one of these cases, I win. How much money do they save by these fraudulent denials?

That's part of the reason I wrote Blue Vendetta. I wanted to make people think about this. So far, everyone that has read it agrees.

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